Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
Joy Thru Christ
Sunday, February 25, 2007
The Snow Monster

It was a very snowy day when the boys woke up. The night after thay were so excited about the snow thay couldn't sleep!
We got to tell Holly abuot this! said Chet. (Holly was thier sister). Thay went into her room to wake her up.
Holly, Holly! Nick wispered. We have to show you somthing!
What is it you want to show me? asked Holly. Another of your robots you make out of legos?

A SNOW DAY! Holly burst out.
Right! He said.
After breakfest, the kids went outside to play. when they went outside they saw a very big pile of snow. And out of that very big pile of snow rose a very big snow monster!
This will keep us safe! Said Nick as he built a snow fort. But the snow monsters foot came crashing to the ground making the snow fort fall apart!
Suddently, Chet popped up with a idea. He got his sling-shot and rock's. He pulled the rubber band back and let go. Over and over he did it until the snow monster was nothing but snow.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Mood Swings - The Answers
And here are Jen's answers:
jen elslager said...
What fun! Here are our answers:
1 confused
2 surprised
3 thinking
4 loving
5 sad
6 mad
7 worried
8 excited
And of course I have to include her extra comment:
- if she was trying to flatter the artist, it worked! Jen, I'll be contacting you to arrange the prize patrol delivery. Thanks for playing, and thanks to Thirsty Dave, the runner-up, only other one who played! :o)
Coming up this weekend:

The Snow Monster
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Mood Swings
Here are the moods, in random order:
Now, can you match the drawings to the correct mood? You might even try it without looking at the options above. How 'bout for the winner (to the first one who guesses all 8 correctly) - a personalized, autographed drawing from Aaron Job? Submit your answers like this:
1. SAD
I'll post the answers later this week.



Saturday, February 17, 2007
Law of the Day

Thursday, February 15, 2007
Flip - The Day Dreamer

And now the individuals frames:

Today's Cartoon
The Day Dreamer

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Flip - Aliens

Saturday, February 10, 2007
Fun With Animation
Here's Aaron Job's:
Click here to create your own!
Mater and the Ghostlight
by Aaron Job
from Disney Pixar Cars
based on the movie Cars
One night in Radiator Springs,
Mater was playing tricks on the other cars.
First, he used his hook to pull away the flowers Red was watering.
Next, he jumped out of a pile of tires,
and Luigi and Guido fell over!
Then, Mater snuck up on Lizzy, who would not wake up
when he was being silly.
Then he snuk outside with a cone on his head.
Then he jumped up and showed
his "conse".

The last trick happend at Flo's Cafe.
Mater jumped out of a pile of cans.
Tonight we're going to see the Ghost Light"
Mater! Said Sherif. Don't talk about the Ghost Light to him!
What is the Ghost Light? McQueen asked.
The Ghost Light, said Sherif, is a glowing oar"
He drove around while he was saying this.
And the only thing that angers it the most, is clanging of metel.
Everyone was not scared exsept Mater.
He was scared.
And when you go home, Sherif was saying,
keep an eye out for the Ghost Light. It could be any ware, he said.
Well, goodnight.
He drove home. One of his lights fell off and it was his last one.
When the door of Mater's house came down, it fell down.
Then he saw a light.
Help the Ghost Light! He yelled.
Then he noticed that it was a lightning bug.
Ahhhhh! The Ghost Light!
It's in front of me! Yelled Mater.
He was not seeing that it was a lantern.
Finally, Mater stoped for a rest.
Then he noticed the lantern.
Hey, he said, that's no Ghost Light! It's a lantern!
He added.
Just then Doc and Sherif and the other cars arrived.
Mater, said Sherif, the only thing you need to be afraid of
is your imagination.
Yah, said Doc. And the Screaming Banshee.
Well good night.
Thay all went home.
The Screaming what? Wondered Mater.

With a Big, Big, Big monster truck behind him,
he said you'd better run
a Screaming Banshee could be anyware.